Incredible Edible MyClubmoor

Incredible Edible MyClubmoor started when we took over our Community Hub at 56 Maiden Lane. Out the front of our premises was being misused by local business’ as a car park and residents had told us how practically crossing the roads and trying to walk around that area was unsafe and a general eyesore.

So we worked with our resident board and Liverpool City Council to develop our first growing space, putting 7 raised beds in that misused area, for us to grow fruit and vegetables for local residents to take free of charge.

Our residents engaged with it right away, and for us, it seemed to be the start of a local movement. Residents have now taken ownership of the space and will come and weed the planters and keep them looking fresh and tidy.

From this, we have had multiple organisations across the area reach out to us to help them co-create a solution for their disused spaces. We now have a multitude of small growing spaces across Clubmoor and our continually working towards creating more.


For more information about this project and to know what Incredible Edible means to us have a listen to our podcast.

How the project has grown organically throughout the Clubmoor area:

Horticulture Course 2021: Are you interested in learning how to grow your own food? We at Incredible Edible MyClubmoor are going to show you many things about gardening and what gardening can do for you.

For more information about this course click here.

Giveaway days: Cultivating free fruit and vegetables across the area at our growing spots and outside our community hub for the benefit of Clubmoor residents.

Distributed across the ward: We have partnered with multiple local schools, churches and organisations, setting up smaller planters at their premises. We provide support in setting up the initial growing plan so it is totally self-sufficient then passing on complete ownership to our partners.

Co-creating plans and development for local partners disused spaces: We are currently in the process of developing other local organisations disused spaces across the area as we did outside the front of our community hub.

These are our proposed plans for Windsor Gardens, working in partnership with St Matthews Catholic Primary School, situated on the corner of Cherry Lane and Richard Kelly Drive (near McDonald’s, Queens Drive):

Here are our proposed plans for St Andrews Community Network on the corner of Malleson Road and Larkhill Lane

Here are our proposed plans for Adshead Road Site, near Larkhill Gardens aka ‘The Ducky’.

"Today, I have felt part of this community. It was really nice seeing everybody gathering here and enjoying themselves and also great fun for my children."

Our Other Projects

Create Moor
A range of activities to create and develop the artistic flair of local people, and in the process develop products and improve the environment.
Be More Dog
Our dog show is held every July, usually over the last weekend of the month.
Well Moor
A range of activities focused on improving the wellbeing of local people, and the entrepreneurial spirit of those who support wellbeing.