Category: People

Brian Mutton (Chair)

I am honoured to serve as the Chairman of MyClubmoor, a board dedicated to improving the lives of those in the local community. With my 58 years of experience, I have owned three successful businesses, one of which was located in Clubmoor. For the past 14 years, I have been fortunate enough to call this area my home, living here with my wife and children, as well as our five grandchildren.

Retiring early gave me the opportunity to devote more time to my family and give back to my community. I am passionate about transferring the knowledge and skills I have acquired throughout my life to help educate and support others. I am immensely proud of the MyClubmoor team and all the amazing work we do to break down barriers and create opportunities for those who need it.

The Board

Interested in becoming part of our Board?

At MyClubmoor we are always looking for new members to join our team as local resident volunteer on our Board Committee.

We’ve put this pack (application form below) together to give you a feel for the role of a MyClubmoor Board member and the ‘rules’ we work to. There is a lot of information here but please do not let that put you off – if we accept your application there will be lots of help on hand. We will offer you a MyClubmoor member ‘buddy’ who will help you settle in if that is something that would work for you. We have given you this information because it is important that you understand that MyClubmoor Board members have roles and responsibilities.

Local Resident Application

If you’re a local resident or work for an organisation that you believe will benefit the Clubmoor residents/Clubmoor area and are interested in joining our Resident Board Committee please fill out our application form here.

What is the role of a Board Member?

The role of a Board member is wonderfully diverse and changes as the Board itself develops and as the volunteer’s life experience changes too. To a large extent, it can be what the volunteer wants it to be.

There are ‘rules’ but on the whole Big Local is very flexible and driven by the residents that volunteer as a Board member.

At least 51% of a Board must be resident members to make sure they are the ones making decisions. Most boards also have some ‘officers’ around the table who may or may not be full voting members – it’s great to have people involved who have different experiences and who can connect you to local services, but they must not represent an organisation when working as a Big Local member.

What Board members need to think about:

  • Encouraging a range of people in your area to be involved, in a thoughtful, inclusive, open and meaningful way.
  • Working openly and transparently, which includes recording and communicating how decisions are made.
  • Behaving in line with Big Local values and ethos, as well as the locally agreed code of conduct and constitution.
  • Managing any conflicts of interest effectively and report any potential misuse of funds to Local Trust.

What board members are responsible for:

  • Agreeing on a shared vision based on the priorities of their community.
  • Creating the Big Local plan.
  • Overseeing its delivery alongside its Local Trusted Organisation and any staff employed.
  • Collect evidence to show how the plan is progressing.
  • Reviewing the plan and Board to make sure they are working the best way possible to maximise community benefit.

What our funders (Local Trust) expect:

  • That you take care of yourselves and each other in undertaking any Big Local activity, contributing only what you are able to and not over-burdening yourselves and bringing in other people to share the load.
  • That you make decisions about how money and other resources are spent, using a process for agreeing who will deliver services and activities in line with your plan.
  • That each Board reflects the make-up of its own area and meets the Big Local criteria.
  • That you operate in an open, constructive, honest, inclusive and respectful way and that you make this commitment in a Code of Conduct.
  • That you challenge the behaviour of others involved in Big Local that break your Code of Conduct.
  • That you make sure that any staff involved in your Big Local are managed fairly and effectively.

Local Resident Application

If you’re a local resident or work for an organisation that you believe will benefit the Clubmoor residents/Clubmoor area and are interested in joining our Resident Board Committee please fill out our application form here.

Here is some information about our existing board members:

Bob Bowen (Chair)
“I have been involved in the local community for over 25 years and I am passionate about improving the local area and the lives of the people that live here.”

Brian Mutton
Brian has an extensive and varied work background and skill set all of which has brought him to community collaboration. This has led to a number of volunteer opportunities and community leadership roles. 1. Part Designer 2. Parts Geek 3. Parts Physiatrist 4. Parts Community activist Too many parts? Why not

Donna Golding
Donna is a local resident and Voluntary Board Member of My Clubmoor. After working 20 years in Children’s Services in a range of posts, Six years ago, Donna collaborated with two colleagues to set up a social enterprise in Birkenhead serving the local community.  Donna is a creative writer, she has 3 grown-up children and two grandchildren. This keeps her busy.

Kevin Peacock
“I’ve lived in Liverpool for 15 years, and have spent the last 9 of them in Clubmoor, living just down the road from St. Andrew’s Church.  St. Andrew’s is a big part of my life; I’ve volunteered there doing community projects, youth and children’s work, and currently lead St. Andrew’s Community Network – foodbank and debt advice.  Outside of this, I love sports of all kinds – rugby, cricket, football and athletics.  You’ll often see me running around our streets… I was involved in setting up MyClubmoor and have been a resident board member since it began.”

Alma Shaw
“Firstly I have heard about the great things My Clubmoor has done and was delighted to be asked to be a part of the group. I have been part of the Scarisbrick Area tenants Assoc since it began and worked in the local primary school so the community is very important to me. I sometimes feel we can be a forgotten part of the city so anything we can do to help our residents is fantastic.”


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